
In my poems I can live

In my poems I can live, The building as metaphor in Dutch literature (Pepping, Kaatsheuvel 1994) is an informative book about the symbolic meaning of buildings in Dutch literature, from the Middle Ages to the twentieth century. Illustrations Lucile Moquette. 


Rimram and knight honor

Behind a large forest, three days on foot along a wild river, through a valley with clover and foxglove, lies Zonderlink Castle on a beautiful green hill. It is the home of Queen Marigold and King Weasel.  Pepina the court jester also lives on Zonderlink, who makes everyone laugh. But is she happy herself? 


Sea fever

Sea fever is a children’s novel set in the seventeenth century. The main character is Geertje. Her father is a sailor. He travels on an East Indiaman. One day the news comes that he died on the way to the Indies. Geertje doesn’t leave it at that. 

Van Holkema & Warendorf, Houten 2006. 



Meeresfieber is the German translation of Sea fever. 

Cecilie Dressler Verlag, Hamburg 2007. 


Hiding Finches

Alexander is bullied at school. He often flees to the forest, where there is an abandoned, small forester’s house. An ideal hiding place, it seems. Until it turns out that his classmate Leontine also has a crush on the shelter. Will Alexander let her into his hiding place? And are the two really as safe there as they think?